Ilion Animation Studios, based in Madrid, creates state-of-the-art computer animated features, for worldwide theatrical release. Established in 2002 by the founders of the successful video game development company Pyro Studios, Ilion is today lead creatively by Ignacio Pérez Dolset and managed on a day-to-day basis by Jose F San Román. The studio uses purpose-built cutting-edge technology to achieve a unique visual animation experience.
Ilion’s first CG animation feature was Planet 51, released in 2009 by SONY in the US over 3,500 screens and subsequently in over 65 countries across the world. This film represented the collaboration of 350 highly talented and experienced artists, program developers, high-tech engineers and other skilled professionals from over 20 countries.
The second animated feature film produced by the studio was Mortadelo y Filemón, based on the most successful comic ever in Spain, and released by Warner Bros in 2014.
In 2014, Ilion won the contest to create the first high quality animated feature film for the new animation division of Paramount Pictures in US, and commenced working in the production of Wonder Park, feature film which will be released worldwide the 15th of March, 2019.
In 2016, banking on the recognition as a premiere animation CGi company in Hollywood, Ilion has signed a multi-year partnership with Skydance Media to creatively develop and produce a slate of high-end animated feature films and television series.
Two animated feature films are currently in production. Luck (working title), written by Jonathan Aibel & Glenn Berger (The Kung Fu Panda trilogy, Trolls), that will be released in early 2021 and the second, written by Linda Woolverton (Alice in Wonderland, Maleficent, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King), scheduled for release in late 2021.
Ilion is a proud partner of U-tad (www.u-tad.com), the first official-degree, private, European university focused purely on the world of digital arts and technology.